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Hey, the first step of one possible route for San Francisco to declare 
its independence from the US is already written and approved as a city 
ballot measure by the City Attorney. Here's a video of us signing the 

and here's the declaration itself as prepared for the City Attorney.

The United Neighborhoods of San Francisco

Declaration of Independence


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people 
to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another 
and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal 
station to which their humanity entitles them, a decent respect to the 
opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes 
which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all people are equal, 
that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these 
are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these 
rights, governments are instituted among people, deriving their just 
powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of 
government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the 
people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new government, 
laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in 
such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and 
happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long 
established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and 
accordingly all experience has shown that people are more disposed to 
suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by 
abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long 
train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object 
evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their 
right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide 
new guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of the people of this city; and 
such is now the necessity which constrains us to alter our former 
systems of government. The history of the past and present 
administrations of the United States of America is a history of 
repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the 
establishment of an absolute tyranny over the people of this city, 
these states, and the world. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a 
candid world.

The government of the United States of America has refused its assent 
to that social behavior which is the most wholesome and necessary for 
the public good.

It has through the prosecution of treaties refused to make 
accommodations for entire nations of people, unless those people would 
relinquish the right of labor representation, and other rights 
inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

It has called together policy-making bodies at places unusual, 
uncomfortable, and distant from the people of its own and other 
nations, for the sole purpose of conducting business pertaining to the 
affairs of other peoples in secrecy, absent both their presence and 
their voice.

It has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing its assent 
to international law.

It has made judges the selectors of its highest elected office and is 
itself a government which serves corporations, not its people.

It has created a multitude of new offices in its Department of Homeland 
Security, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass and spy upon the 

It has persisted, even in times of peace, in building and developing 
weapons of the most obscene descriptions and marketing them as a source 
for profit to nations around the world.

It has created self-admitted shadow governments and various agencies 
engaged in spying, subterfuge of all kinds, and self-confessed criminal 
activities including assassinations and the overthrow of the lawful 
governments of other nations.

It has combined with others to subject peoples throughout the world to 
a jurisdiction foreign to their constitution and unacknowledged by 
their laws; giving assent to acts of pretended legislation.

It has deposited toxic materials throughout the earth and within the 
territory of our own city and has refused to clean up its poisonings 
here and elsewhere.

It has shielded the criminals in its midst, even from prosecution by 
international bodies, has violated international conventions, and has 
refused to join as an equal with other nations in the creation of 
international bodies and agreements designed to end war crimes, the 
exploitation of children, and to protect human rights and our common 

It has destroyed its own small business people and small farmers while 
ensuring the health of major corporations through billions of dollars 
in direct subsidies.

It has used our share of its taxes in ways that we, the citizens of San 
Francisco, do not support, including the waging of offensive wars.

It has demonstrated a system of justice which is inequitable, racist, 
and classist as evidenced by the disproportionate numbers of minorities 
and the poor which inhabit its single growth industry: prisons.

It has transported people across seas to be held without trial for 
pretended offences.

It has invalidated our decisions in matters of our own sovereign 
concern, attempted to abolish our most valuable laws, and expresses 
fundamental hostility to the forms of our society.

It has ignored or suspended our own legislative acts and the actions of 
our elected officials, declaring itself invested with power to 
legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

It is at this time transporting large armies of regular Soldiers and 
Mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny 
already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely 
paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy of a 
civilized nation.

It has constrained sovereign peoples taken captive to betray and bear 
arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends 
and neighbors, or to fall themselves by their hands.

Amongst these many general abuses it has suborned and denied the 
sovereign will of the citizens of the City of San Francisco in five 
critical ways:

1.    Against our firm resolve to not persecute its wars of aggression, 
it has utilized our taxes for these purposes, recruited the youth of 
our city to fight in its armies, moved war materials through our port, 
contaminated our land, and has failed in its acknowledged duty to 
recover the damages done.

2.    Against our decision and progressive implementation of a model 
system for administering medical marijuana, a plant recognized in 
providing safe and effective relief from a variety of conditions, and 
in opposition to the mutual wishes of physicians and patients, it has 
raided, arrested, and prosecuted individuals and groups acting in full 
compliance with state and local law.

3.    It has chosen to stand against the general desires of the people 
of San Francisco and the executive action of its Mayor in attempting to 
limit marriage and its multitude of benefits to heterosexuals to the 
degree of consideration and proposal of a Constitutional Amendment.

4.    In violation of its own Constitution, it has instituted the 
PATRIOT Act, trampling on the basic rights of due process and privacy, 
further weakening the already limited freedoms of speech, inquiry, 
association, and legal representation. Without warrant or witness, 
crimes against the common citizen can be pursued under the guise of 
National Security, claiming the name of justice but without evidence of 
cause. We, the people of San Francisco, have repudiated this act and 
its administration through the resolution of the Board of Supervisors 
and the direct vote of the people, instructing non-compliance by city 
civil servants who are directed to refer PATRIOT act requests to the 
Board of Supervisors for decision, thereby placing our citizens in 
grave conflict between performance of just and lawful actions and the 
illegal actions of a more powerful state which assumes sovereignty over 

5.    As a city that considers itself a member of the international 
community and supports both universal health care and the International 
Declaration of Human Rights, the disregard of the United States of 
America for the welfare of its own people stands in strong 
contradiction to both our own principles of a just society and to 
international understandings we share with the remainder of the world.

We, therefore, as representatives of the United Neighborhoods of San 
Francisco, in general congress assembled, appealing to the peoples of 
the world and their communities for the rectitude of our intentions, 
do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of this city, 
solemnly publish and declare: that these United Neighborhoods are, and 
of right ought to be, a free and independent city; that they are 
absolved from all allegiance to the US corporate crown; and that all 
political connection between them and the United States of America, is, 
and ought to be, totally dissolved; and that as a free and independent 
city, these United Neighborhoods have full power to levy peace, 
conclude war, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all 
other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for 
the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection 
of Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our 
fortunes and our sacred honor.

We instruct the Board of Supervisors of the city and county of San 
Francisco and all other appropriate legal representatives of this city, 
to amend the City Charter in all such ways as are required in order to 
establish and clarify the lawful standing of the United Neighborhood of 
San Francisco as a sovereign nation per this Declaration and to inform 
the government of the United States of America of our separate and 
sovereign status in a timely and appropriate manner.
 what we must do:  Cascadia

 We need annexation to Canada for now! Why you may ask? Because it
 would be diplomatically and geopolitically difficult for the Bush
 Fascists to launch a civil war on and former region that is part of a
 fellow NATO member (infact other NATO allies may help stop potential
 attacks from the Fascist Amerikans). We join Canada for now! All the
 blue states from Cascadia (Oregon, Washington and Northern California)
 or as Pacifica (which includes all of California) to the Great Lakes
 and the North East (Altantica?).

 what we must do:

 1.) We MUST this weekend bring the idea of Cascadia and breaking off
 from Fascist Amerika to consciousness of the general population and by
 Monday have it be the only conversation in all of Cascadia. Also we
 must bring the fact that the election was a farce (print out artcles
 or give websites about this like and this MUST be
 part of this dialogue of Cascadia! I would recommend the same if I was
 in the other "blue" states for their awakening of regional identity
 separate from Bush's Amerika. This should be done with massive
 "spamming" and like ACT (American Coming Together.. and if any are
 reading this well .. you have lists of democrats now who we can bet
 are disenfranchised :))) I would recommend to the less shy to feel
 free to talk to your neighbors or that person in the parking lot with
 a Kerry bumper sticker (this ofcourse should not be limited to
 democrats, but right now they are more visible). Our goal is simple in
 this part "To get it to the forefront of every conversation". The goal
 is the create critical mass. And if you are inclined to put up sighs
 or wave (any of the Cascadian flags) or create pamplets or print out
 leaflets talking of Diebold, secession, Cascadia and Cascadian
 awakening or get on radio talk shows or whatever. The goal is
 dialogue, awareness, education, generating a new paradigm.. an new
 group identity with a new future! If this works then Monday even the
 sold out local media will have to mention it, because everyone will
 have to talk of it.


 a.) becareful of dismissive comments like "it will never work" or "you
 are just have sour grapes" or any the other Phucting dismissive
 onliners comments that the sheeple spit out. Do not let it down and
 ignore the jerk and continue on as if the jerk just passed gas.

 b.) the Fascists might orchastrate a "national" crisis like a terror
 alert or even a terrorist act which MUST NOT stop this conversation of
 Cascadia, secession and election fraud. If this happens the corporate
 media and authorative figures will make lots of appeals about "healing
 the nation". They will dismiss any movement to liberate us from the
 fascists as small and trivial. news personalities will make light of
 Cascadia or joke that they (we) are wackos. If any think is even in
 the corporate media the overly paid fascist mouth-pieces (we call news
 reporters) will end the story with dismissive comments or laughter.

 2.) we need a time and place (while there is the energy and
 motivation... maybe Friday) to have people gather. My idea it a event.
 here is my suggestion "the All Bush flip off". This must be done
 through out all Cascadia from Bellingham to San Fransisco and it must
 be done at the same time. For convience I will use Portland as a
 example ... Cascadian or disenfranchised Portlanders (remember all the
 Kerry supporters on Portland's Waterfront) go to either the Waterfront
 or Pioneer Square and put up a image of Mr Bush (maybe Cheney too) and
 in one big massive group give them "the finger"! And take pictures
 from the images perspective of all gathered flipping the Fascists off
 and send it to the White House. The goal of this is NOT just to give
 them the collective "finger", but the real goal is to get people
 physically together to talk of Cascadia, Cascadians and our future! At
 the same time this should happen in other communities.

 From this we can expnd to bring in more Cascadians and eventually we
 shall march down to Salem or Olympia (for San Fransisco .. I guess you
 declare yourself the new administrative seat of South Cascadia) and we
 demand secession NOW!

 Before such an event happens we need to bring the police and leaders
 into our movement. We MUST find out issues that the police and state
 employees have against the Fascists.. and they do whether they
 recognize it or not. We need to teach them of the budget cuts, union
 busting, veteran cuts, issues related to them not being able to
 effectively do their jobs. We MUST appeal to them as fathers, mothers,
 sisters and brothers who have the same concerns as all of us do over
 education, safety, environment, cost of living and so on and so on.


 a.) do not let the professional politicians nor charismatic public
 figures usurp OUR movement. Especially DO NOT LET some dumb ass
 democrat politician tell us that we must "heal" our community or "this
 will take time" or "I promise you this...." or "I am with you..." ...
 this MUST be the PEOPLES movement!!! not a time for local
 celeberties... infact if you see someone who is a public figure look
 beyond them, smile and go hug the unrelated person behind him or her.
 I hate how these personalities (remember we are counted as nobodies
 until they need your vote or buy their product) steal the lime light
 of the people, of causes, of public attention. We have no time for
 them and no need for them. Now if they come to be a "nobody" like the
 rest of us and are honestly there to flip off Fascism and to awaken
 Cascadia.. then they have my blessings.. and I hope yours too.

 or simpler yet:
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.